These tools are nothing to be afraid of. In fact, they’re gentle dental tools designed to clean and improve your teeth – so you can look and feel your best. Need more than a cleaning? We can help you get your ugly teeth pretty and your damaged teeth whole. Contact Invictus Modern Dentistry in San
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It’s perfectly OK to eat salad when you have braces, and you can eat most meats and veggies as long as they aren’t too sticky – and who likes sticky food anyway? But please, please avoid candy and anything that will trap tooth-decaying sugar in and around your braces (or pull them off). Learn more
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Whether you’re looking at evergreens on a snowy slope or enjoying yet another day at your office that’s too cold (why are offices always so cold?), you can straighten your teeth while you live your life with Invisalign clear aligners. Learn more during your free dental and oral health assessment from Invictus Modern Dentistry San
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When you straighten your teeth with custom-made clear aligners like the ones shown from Invisalign, your daily routine is safe. No one will notice the aligners and you’ll barely feel them, so go ahead and drink your coffee while examining your succulents by the window. Straighter teeth start with your free dental and oral health
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You’ll feel like smiling more than ever before as you straighten your teeth and improve your bite no matter where you go. The clear aligner inside that little round box can make a world of difference in your teeth, your self-confidence – and your life. Get started with a free dental and oral health assessment
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Show off whatever you have – in this case, beautiful teeth and a stick full of watermelon, some freckles, a brown frilly shirt and a blue wall. If you’re not this confident in the amazingness of your teeth, we can help get your mouth healthy and your teeth looking great. It starts with contacting Invictus
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At least you’ll feel sexier knowing that your teeth are looking better and better each day you wear one of these. And that means you can smile all you want while wearing this nearly invisible device – and for years to come. Amazing really. Get started by contacting Invictus Modern Dentistry in San Diego now
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In many ways, sugar rots your body from the inside out – but when left on your teeth, it rots your teeth from the outside in. Don’t let your teeth fall victim to cola and other sugary drinks when swishing with water can help wash it away, and brushing and flossing help even more. See
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Dental picks can save you from embarrassing situations and help you keep your teeth from decaying until you get where you can brush — and they help eliminate the distraction of feeling like there’s something stuck in your mouth all night. Use picks when you need them, brush and floss at least twice a day
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Hissing doesn’t count either. But dental picks can count as flossing if you’re in a bind, we suppose. Learn just how important flossing is when you come in to Invictus Modern Dentistry in beautiful San Diego for your free oral health consultation. It all starts with your call to 858-679-8918. No snark included.
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