
19 May

Teeth Are Fun: Get The Point? It’s About Priorities

There’s nothing wrong with X-Box or Legos, but things like brushed teeth, trimmed toenails and clean skin are important too. Teach your kids a little about priorities so that when they smile they have teeth to be proud of. For a free oral health consultation for every member of your family, call Invictus Modern Dentistry

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18 May

Teeth Are Fun: Habits And Healthy Gums Start Early!

Whether your kids have their baby teeth or their permanent teeth, children need to floss to maintain healthy gums and a great overall health. So take the subtle message of this meme seriously and teach your kids to floss. To see if you’re doing enough for your children’s teeth, call Invictus Modern Dentistry in San

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15 May

Teeth Are Fun: What A Shiny Nose He Has, Right?

Or you could be noticing someone’s eyes, we suppose. Whatever you see first, you’ll soon notice if someone’s teeth just aren’t right. And people notice the flaws in your teeth too. But don’t be self-conscious. Instead, get your teeth fixed – which all starts with calling Invictus Modern Dentistry in San Diego at 858-679-8918

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13 May

Teeth Are Fun: Think Of Yourself Turned Inside Out

Well, maybe don’t. But think of what goes in as an indication of what people will see, how healthy your body will be and maybe even how long you’ll live. Heavy stuff, right? It’s all part of holistic dentistry – and it’s why we take your whole body into consideration. Contact us now at Invictus

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12 May

Teeth Are Fun: Cover A World Of Problems With Veneers

Invictus Modern Dentistry in San Diego is pleased to provide beautiful, natural-looking porcelain veneers to cover discolorations, malformations, old dental work and more – customized to match surrounding teeth, of course. It’s all part of the deal when you turn to Dr. Taís Trevelin (Lowry). Learn more at your FREE oral health consultation, available by calling

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11 May

Teeth Are Fun: If We Could Offer Just One Word Of Advice

If we could offer you one word of advice, we’d offer these four (and break the rules a little) because brushing and flossing are equally important to oral health, and mouth rinses help control bacteria than can cause decay. Learn about how we can be your partner in oral health by calling Invictus Modern Dentistry

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10 May

Teeth Are Fun: Holistic Means Interconnected

We see you as a whole person, not just some teeth and gums – so we consider how your dental and oral health are impacted by and cause impact to your overall health and health conditions. So we’ll call you by name, not “6 cavities and a cracked molar”. Let us tell you about holistic

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Poway, CA 92064