
9 May

Understanding Biomimetic Dentistry

If you freak out at the mention of a root canal or placement of a crown over your tooth, then biomimetic dentistry is the best option for you. This well thought method of treatment is concerned with your oral health and therefore seeks to limit the excessive removal of good tooth structure and prevent the

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8 May

Teeth Are Fun: Pick Me! Pick With Me!

What’s more appropriate today than a little toothpick humor – so go ahead, pick (with) the one that’s raising its shapely head. Just remember to keep your teeth clean to avoid decay. We’ll tell you how you’re doing when you come in for your FREE dental and oral health review, available by calling 858-679-8918.

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5 May

Teeth Are Fun: We All Have 32 Things In Common!

Sometimes it seems like differences rule the world instead of similarities, but we all have 32 (or so) things in common – our teeth. Do what you can to keep them healthy and they can serve you all your life. For a free oral health consultation so you can join or stay in the healthy

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4 May

Teeth Are Fun: Wrapping The Diamond Is The Goal

We can only hope that you’re diligent enough with your flossing that you’ll use enough floss this year to go around the perimeter of a baseball diamond. If you’re not sure you’ve done well getting rid of the batter from fried foods or that pitcher of sweet drinks and think you may have decay, call

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2 May

Biomimetic Dentistry

Did you know that your teeth can last a lifetime? Well, they can because that’s how they have been designed. Our teeth are naturally strong and can last over 120 years. Therefore, it makes sense to repair damaged teeth by mimicking the tooth’s natural function and strength. Biomimetic dentistry offers a conservative and more natural

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1 May

Teeth Are Fun: Cleaning Your Teeth Is Easier Than Ever!

Before toothpaste, people used lots of abrasive and sometimes-dangerous things to clean their teeth. Some people still do. Fortunately, toothpaste makes cleaning your teeth easier and more effective than ever. Why not try some toothpaste twice today? To see how you’re doing and for a free oral health consultation, call Invictus Modern Dentistry in San

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(858) 679-8918

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Poway, CA 92064