
28 Apr

Cavitation Surgery: What You Need To Know

Correct Pre- and Post- Extraction Protocols For Cavitation Surgery When you decide to get a cavitation surgery, it’s important to adhere to the proper protocols for it to be a success. All the involved parties (patient, physician and dentist) must be actively involved to play their parts. Understanding Dental Foci and Disturbed Fields A dental

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27 Apr

Teeth Are Fun: Age, Coffee, Red Wine… It All Darkens Teeth

Teeth often lose their natural whiteness because of age, but coffee, tea, red wine, tomato sauce and other staining foods accelerate this process – making your teeth look old and dull before their time. For a free oral health consultation and to find out what can be done to make your teeth look and feel

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26 Apr

Teeth Are Fun: Wherever You Are, Pick The Right Accessories

For every moment of life, pick the right things to have by your side. If you’ll be eating at all, one of those accessories should be some kind of toothpick, your first line of defense against tooth decay, gum irritation and embarrassing situations too. For a free oral health consultation to see if you need

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23 Apr

Teeth Are Fun: Some Things Should Always Be At The Ready!

Just as you always keep lipstick around for a touchup and have an energy bar in your purse for those little emergencies, you should always keep dental picks at the ready for those minor dental situations where something’s stuck and needs to do. When you need a bit more help with your teeth, call Invictus

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21 Apr

6 Reasons for Choosing Biomimetic Dental Restoration

Every patient wants a dental repair that reduces the risk of infection or breakdown of a tooth.  This is the reason why dentist practice biomimetic dental restoration. Biomimetic literally means ‘imitating life’. Biomimetic dentistry is thus a type of tooth conserving dentistry whose main aim is to preserve the original tooth structure. It utilizes minimally

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