
3 Mar

Teeth Are Fun: How Long Does A Snail Dental Cleaning Take?

Snails really do have tens of thousands of teeth – all tiny and all susceptible to snail problems, but not plagued by human issues like crooked teeth, gum disease and decay from sugary snacks. To get a free consultation on the health of your 32 or so teeth, call Invictus Modern Dentistry in San Diego

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2 Mar

Teeth Are Fun: Baby Teeth Are Getting Pricier Every Year!

How much money does the Tooth Fairy leave your children – or do you bother with this ritual? If you’re giving less than a dollar, you’re being left behind. If you’re giving more than $20, maybe start a trust fund. For a free oral health consultation (and no more unsolicited financial advice), call Invictus Modern

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1 Mar

Teeth Are Fun: Spend Two Minutes With Your Kids!

Spending just 2 minutes with your kids each morning and evening can help them learn better oral health habits and make sure they’re doing what they should for healthy teeth and gum. Spend some quality time with your little ones every day, and call Invictus Modern Dentistry in San Diego at 858-679-8918 for a

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28 Feb

Teeth Are Fun: How Long Does A Snail Dental Cleaning Take?

Snails really do have tens of thousands of teeth – all tiny and all susceptible to snail problems, but not plagued by human issues like crooked teeth, gum disease and decay from sugary snacks. To get a free consultation on the health of your 32 or so teeth, call Invictus Modern Dentistry in San Diego

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28 Feb

Teeth Are Fun: Spend A Little Now Or A Lot Later?

If going to the dentist seems like something you can’t afford right now, remember that dental problems usually get worse unless treated – so you can spend a little now or a lot later, depending on which makes more sense to you. See where you stand with a free consultation from Invictus Modern Dentistry in

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27 Feb

Teeth Are Fun: The Most Common Childhood Disease Is Preventable

While tooth decay is the most common disease in children, it’s largely preventable – even though genetics play a role as well. Keep your child from becoming a statistic by showing them how to brush, floss and use mouthwash, and for a free dental consultation to see if your efforts are working, call Invictus Modern

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24 Feb

Teeth Are Fun: Don’t Waste Paste And Don’t Choke Your Kid!

Teach your child how much toothpaste to use because using too much is wasteful and could be a choking hazard for your little one – and besides, the good stuff can be expensive. If you’re concerned about your child’s dental or oral health, call Invictus Modern Dentistry in San Diego at 858-679-8918 for a

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Poway, CA 92064