All About Dentures

18 Oct

dentures infographic


How Dentures Can Help You Get Your Smile Back

To many, getting dentures can be a little overwhelming. Will they fit well? Will they cause discomfort? Can I speak and eat better than I can now with them? While at first, dentures might be a little strange to wear, they come with many incredible benefits that will help you get back to living normally again.

What are Dentures?

Dentures are special devices that take the place of missing teeth in your mouth to help make things like talking and chewing easier. They are usually made out of strong plastic or other similar materials to help keep them durable.

Types of Dentures

There are a few different types of dentures you’ll find you can choose from. One of the most common types is a full denture. This is a type that is a complete set of teeth for your upper and lower jaw which you can choose from depending on what you need.

The other type of denture is a partial denture. This denture is ideal to use if you only have about one or two missing teeth that need to be replaced. It also works well at helping to support your existing teeth to keep them strong.

The last main type of denture is a fixed denture. A fixed denture is basically drilled and secured into your gum so it works and acts as if it were a regular tooth. Because it is fully secured into your gum, you don’t need to remove it which makes it an ideal choice for many. However, these are a little more expensive compared to the other types, so you’ll have to be prepared to invest a little bit in them.

The Benefits of Dentures

Dentures come with plenty of benefits. Below are some that you can enjoy when using them.

You’ll Be Able to Talk and Chew Better

If you’re missing teeth, it can make common things like talking and chewing not only difficult to do, but very painful. With dentures, they’ll replace the missing teeth to help ensure that you can get back to talking easily again and chewing all types of food without problems.

They Come in Different Types and Can Be Customized

Dentures come in many different types which might come as a surprise to many. Because of this, you’ll be able to find a pair of dentures that fit your needs the best. They can also sometimes be customized by your dentist if you have a special request for them. You’ll be able to customize how the teeth are shaped and even the gum color so you can get your natural smile back.

They are Durable

One of the best things about dentures is that they are durable. They can withstand heavy-duty usage for a long time so you won’t have to worry about investing in a new pair anytime soon.

Dentures can be very helpful when it comes to your dental health. They can help to not only replace missing or diseased teeth, but work to improve your speech and chewing movements that you might be having trouble with due to the lack of teeth in a certain area. Best of all, dentures will ensure that your natural smile returns.

The Different Types of Dentures

Many people often neglect using dentures because they feel self-conscious about wearing them or don’t want to invest in a costly pair. However, dentures today are very affordable and come in many different types which means you’ll be able to find ones that aren’t only comfortable to wear, but look exactly like your natural teeth. Below you’ll find the four most common types of dentures and how they can help you.

Types of Dentures


A full/complete denture is one that will replace most of your teeth. This is the most traditionally used one and can easily be put on your top or lower gum. After having been inspected by a dentist and any necessary treatments done, the full denture will then be placed on your gum where it can later be removed if needed.


Partial dentures replace only one or a few teeth. They come in small pieces and can eventually be adjusted to replace new spots if need be. These pieces are removable so you can take them off to clean them. This type of denture is ideal to help you if a few missing teeth have left you feeling immense pain in your mouth or trouble speaking and chewing.


Implant-supported dentures use special tools that are drilled into or around your jawbone. Typically, this type is used for the lower section of your mouth because it fits better and is easier to install here. You’ll find that implant-supported dentures come in two types: bar-retained and ball-retained:

  • Bar-Retained: Uses a thin metal bar around the curvature of your jawline which the denture is attached to.
  • Ball-Retained: Uses a few small metal pieces that are drilled into your jawbone at various points so the denture can be attached to it.


While a little expensive, custom dentures are the best way to help you look as if you’re not wearing any type of denture. A dentist will use intricate technology to make a map of your mouth and then make a denture mold of it. You’ll find that while they’re a beautiful set of teeth, they look very natural because the teeth aren’t always perfectly aligned which gives the denture a very natural look.

What are Dentures Made Out Of?

When you shop for dentures you’ll find that they are made out of many different types of materials. The two most common types are acrylic and porcelain.


Acrylic is the most affordable material and is very easy to clean. It doesn’t place unnecessary pressure on your jawbone which other types sometimes tend to do. However, it might feel a little heavy and can take some time to get used to.


Porcelain dentures are made to feel and look exactly like natural teeth. While they cost a tad bit more than acrylic, they are much more durable.

Dentures are helpful tools that can not only give you your smile back, but can eliminate any painful dental problems you might have. They are easy to use and clean and will help you get back to living more comfortably.



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