Choosing Between Dental Implants & Dentures

9 Nov

Dental Implants vs Dentures Infographic


Dentures versus Dental Implants

Dentures: You must have seen a situation (either in a movie scene or in a comedy show) where an old person is talking, eating, or partaking in some other activity and their removable dentures fall out of their mouths. You may also have seen an elderly person with a water glass with their dentures inside. Dentures could be a brilliant choice although most people find them uncomfortable and painful. Centuries ago, dentures were made from bone or ivory. Nowadays they can be made at a cheap price even though they are still quite problematic.

The agony and embarrassment of having the dentures fall out are real. A strong and tough adhesive material has to be used to hold the dentures in position. Large quantities of this adhesive must be applied to achieve this objective. Dentures must as well be cleaned every day. The daily obligation to fit and remove dentures can become tedious. Dentures are quite unstable. They could shift position while talking and/or eating. They could land the wearer into embarrassing situations. The denture wearer is often exposed to psychological trauma.

There are more issues with dentures. There are many systemic physical problems that come with dentures. The pressure exerted on gums and bones when wearing them coupled with the movements and shifting is likely to generate friction sores, ulcers, and burns. The consequences may be very painful.

Dental Implants: These are much easier on dental patients. They blend in much better with the normal teeth. The appearance and functionality of the teeth are just like regular teeth. They do not move or shift positions like dentures. Upon putting an implant in the mouth, a crown will be inserted on that implant, therefore, providing a lasting and permanent solution. Dentures do not offer this. Dental implants, unlike dentures, do not need separate cleaning. Implants will not exert pressure on the gums and the adjacent teeth.

Dental implants will also not cause undue pressure on the jawbone. Implants are embedded into jawlines, therefore, making them stronger, unlike dentures which make the jawbone weaker. Implants make it possible to maintain healthy jawbones for longer periods of time.

Unlike dental implants, dentures are a lot cheaper. This may be a primary reason why people shy away from dental implants. But, looking closely there is a good reason dental implants are a bit costly. Considering the purchase price of dentures, the glue and binding, and the medicine that helps deal with side effects sustained from these dentures, the entire cost of dentures may actually be more than dental implants would ever be. It is therefore wise to get dental implants rather than dentures.

Dental implants and dentures compared

Dental Implants

  • Function and feel like the normal teeth
  • Stable, secure, and strong – they fit comfortably as well
  • Does not require adhesives or creams
  • Permanent solution
  • Restore natural chewing
  • Easy to clean and take care of without having to remove them
  • Could last a lifetime
  • Dental patient maintains the ability to sense temperature and taste


  • May feel unnatural and artificial
  • Subject to movements and slip, therefore, causing discomfort
  • May require adhesives and creams
  • Chewing capacity is a bit restrictive
  • Will require remaking or realignment eventually
  • Requires daily cleaning
  • Inexpensive but less effective
  • The cover plate minimizes the wearer’s ability to sense temperature and taste.
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