Mercury Filling Removal During Pregnancy?

27 Dec

Mercury Filling Removal During Pregnancy Infographic


Silver/Mercury Filling Removal During Pregnancy

The field of dentistry has had to contend with the fact that, in the past, dentists thought it was completely fine to apply mercury fillings on human teeth. The research found out that mercury is harmful to the human body and could be extremely poisonous. This realization has seen many people who already have mercury fillings seeking dentist assistance in their mission to get the mercury fillings removed. The question now is: is it safe for pregnant women to have their mercury or silver fillings removed?

In the minds of many people, it’s apparent that this could be unsafe. The paradox in this situation is that either way, having mercury fillings or removing them in a pregnancy situation, you will be dealing with two situations. You either will have mercury fillings that are perfectly intact or endure the risk of having mercury fillings that leak. A pregnant woman should consult a dentist to assess the state of her mercury fillings.

Where there is leakage of the mercury filling, it is wise to have them removed immediately. The dam technique is often used to avoid any further leaking during the removal of mercury fillings. The dam is a unique mouth guard that prevents any substance from being swallowed down the throat. It helps ensure the mercury isn’t ingested during removal. You will technically be racing against time in the attempt to prevent further mercury contamination in the body.

You cannot afford to waste time in such a situation. It could affect your health and that of the unborn child. On the other hand, if the silver or mercury fillings are perfectly intact without any signs of leaking, then there is no urgent need for the dentist to remove them. The removal process could wait until after childbirth.

Mercury fillings’ effect on pregnancy

Mercury has been used in dental fillings because of its affordability and durability. Mercury fillings cost patients a lot less than the nontoxic fillings which are otherwise safer. Dentists also adopted mercury fillings due to the simplicity of installation. Mercury fillings require no special skill for installation. Millions of American citizens have mercury fillings. It is unfathomable though that the toxicity of mercury could be traded for its simplicity and affordability at installation. Some dentists know better today.

The mercury content present in amalgam fillings is associated with different health complications. A pregnant woman is exposed to greater risk and should be made aware of consequences associated with mercury fillings on their own health and that of their unborn child. Mercury can travel through the placenta into the baby. The effects of this mercury can be sustained even after childbirth since the mercury can as well travel into the child through breastfeeding. There cannot be a safe way of having mercury exposure. A developing child is inherently vulnerable to mercury effects. The effects can be more damaging for children than they are for adults.

There is no safe way of having mercury in your mouth. The best advice for people with silver fillings is to get it removed and replaced with a nontoxic filling. Strict procedures must be followed during removal because mercury is incredibly toxic.

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