Teeth Are Fun: Self-Examine For Oral Cancer And Save A Life – Yours!
There’s nothing funny about oral cancer. An astounding 53,000 people are diagnosed with oral cancer every year in the United States – so look for ulcers that don’t heal, patches that don’t clear up and lumps that stay lumpy. Or let us look for you during your FREE oral health consultation at Invictus Modern Dentistry
read moreTeeth Are Fun: Show Your Teeth And Your Happiness When You Smile
Not only is a smile a universal sign of happiness, it’s a chance to show off your gleaming, well-maintained teeth. If your teeth aren’t so beautiful or don’t work well for you, there’s a solution that will make you happy – no matter the issues. Learn more at your FREE oral health consultation with Invictus
read moreTeeth Are Fun: Get The Point? It’s About Priorities
There’s nothing wrong with X-Box or Legos, but things like brushed teeth, trimmed toenails and clean skin are important too. Teach your kids a little about priorities so that when they smile they have teeth to be proud of. For a free oral health consultation for every member of your family, call Invictus Modern Dentistry
read moreTeeth Are Fun: Habits And Healthy Gums Start Early!
Whether your kids have their baby teeth or their permanent teeth, children need to floss to maintain healthy gums and a great overall health. So take the subtle message of this meme seriously and teach your kids to floss. To see if you’re doing enough for your children’s teeth, call Invictus Modern Dentistry in San
read moreTeeth Are Fun: Put Floss On Auto-Order And Set It For Monthly!
It takes 18 inches of floss or more to do the job correctly. So if you floss twice a day every day using 18 inches, you’ll need to buy floss a lot more often than you do now. But your teeth will thank you with fewer cavities — and your gums won’t be as likely
read moreBiomimetic Dentistry As An Alternative To A Root Canal And Dental Crowns
Teeth are made to last a lifetime. However, without proper dental care, the teeth can become damaged. When a tooth decays or is damaged, dentists usually cut a lot of healthy natural tooth in order to accommodate a restoration. However, with advances in modern techniques, it’s now possible to be more conservative. Traditional practices of
read moreTeeth Are Fun: What A Shiny Nose He Has, Right?
Or you could be noticing someone’s eyes, we suppose. Whatever you see first, you’ll soon notice if someone’s teeth just aren’t right. And people notice the flaws in your teeth too. But don’t be self-conscious. Instead, get your teeth fixed – which all starts with calling Invictus Modern Dentistry in San Diego at 858-679-8918
read moreTeeth Are Fun: Great Teeth Are Part Of A Great Smile And A Great Life
That’s great, isn’t it? Truly though, beautiful teeth can help you look and feel better – plus, they’re a sign of excellent overall health. So eat right, sleep more, commute less, be more grateful and get your dental health under control. Call Invictus Modern Dentistry in San Diego at 858-679-8918 for a FREE oral
read moreTeeth Are Fun: Think Of Yourself Turned Inside Out
Well, maybe don’t. But think of what goes in as an indication of what people will see, how healthy your body will be and maybe even how long you’ll live. Heavy stuff, right? It’s all part of holistic dentistry – and it’s why we take your whole body into consideration. Contact us now at Invictus
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