For missing teeth, no solution is better for restoring the look and feel of natural teeth than dental implants. And they’re smaller and gentler than ever before. After the healing is complete, you pretty much treat an implant like a natural tooth. No special care is required. Are dental implants the solution you’ve been looking
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We don’t mean you should become a dentist (but welcome to the field if you do). Instead, we mean you should work to make the world better by sharing your beautiful smile. If your smile isn’t so beautiful, don’t worry. Instead, take action. For a free oral health consultation to see how we can help,
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This is so, so, so true. Like, really true. Dental care is least expensive when you get it regularly. When you wait, there will be more problems and more costs. But don’t worry if you’ve waited. We can help you prioritize and get things fixed one by one until it’s all done. For a free
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What more do we need to say? Brushing, flossing and using mouthwash are your first three lines of defense against cavities, gum disease and other bad mouth stuff. Then see a dentist like Invictus Modern Dentistry regularly so we can make sure all is well and fix little problems before they become big ones. For
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OK, we don’t know exactly how you’ll feel after a teeth cleaning. It might be like this. But it will certainly be a lot better than before. You’ll feel cleaner, healthier and even a bit smug for finally getting it done. It’s really possible if you come see us. And it all starts by contacting
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Beautiful, straight white teeth go with any outfit and fit any moment. Ugly, crooked yellow teeth almost never fit the clothes or the occasion. Go from bad to better with cosmetic dental help, including teeth whitening and veneers. Learn more by contacting Invictus Modern Dentistry in San Diego now at 858-679-8918 for your FREE
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Dental and oral health issues get worse over time. So now’s the time to schedule your free oral health consultation with Invictus Modern Dentistry San Diego. What day and time is best for the appointment? Well, we wouldn’t offer you a slot if we couldn’t give you our full attention – so choose a time
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Some teeth just don’t look so great. And for some people, lots of their teeth have issues – like staining, shape problems or restoration work that doesn’t quite match. One solution? Cover it all up with dental veneers, a smart and affordable way to look better quickly and easily. See if you’re a good candidate
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If your teeth always feel dirty, you may decide to brush harder or get a stiffer brush. But that erodes away enamel, makes teeth yellow and leads to decay and damage. Instead, brush, floss, use mouth rinses and get dental cleanings once or twice a year. Learn more about how soft and gentle is best
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It’s not that we think you don’t know this. You’ve probably heard it before. It’s that we’re recommending smiling rather than frowning – because it shows off your healthy, white, beautiful teeth. If yours aren’t so great, we can help – and things will look and feel better from day one. Contact Invictus Modern Dentistry
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