Here’s a dental tip coming directly to you: Brush up and down, not side to side, for cleaner teeth – but don’t brush harder or with a stiffer brush because that doesn’t help. Still, no home oral health program can remove all plaque and tartar, so come in for a cleaning and let us get
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While flossing helps you clean the 35 percent of each tooth you can’t clean any other way, a much larger percentage of the plaque and debris in your mouth is hiding where even the best brushes can never reach. Floss, brush and use mouthwash for a totally clean mouth. Learn more about a healthy smile
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No one understands mouths and all their components better than a dentist, and Dr. Taís Trevelin (Lowry) looks forward to answering your questions about the health of your head – including your tongue. But a slightly burned tongue will probably be better before you get here. For more serious issues, contact Invictus Modern Dentistry in San
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We have extra-special pricing for a limited time on professional teeth whitening – perfect for mom or yourself, whichever you prefer. In fact, your more beautiful smile might be something that will make your mother’s day. Learn more about modern teeth whitening by contacting Invictus Modern Dentistry in San Diego now at 858-679-8918 for
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So you’ve taken our advice, and you brush and floss regularly. But do you clean your tongue – with a tongue scraper or spoon to get rid of all the debris? Doing this is part of a completely clean mouth and can even make food taste better. Learn more fascinating secrets of great oral health
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OK, so maybe you don’t notice a smile first thing – even though most people do. But you notice it eventually. So why neglect yours? If you think it’s too far gone or that the fix will be too expensive, you may be surprised how simple some dental fixes are now. Learn more when you
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It’s not that we think you don’t know this. You’ve probably heard it before. It’s that we’re recommending smiling rather than frowning – because it shows off your healthy, white, beautiful teeth. If yours aren’t so great, we can help – and things will look and feel better from day one. Contact Invictus Modern Dentistry
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We hate to mention it, but your poor oral health is your fault – because you don’t eat right, take care of your teeth and see a dentist regularly. But we’re not about placing blame or making accusations. We start from today, right now, and work to make things better for you. Make a fresh
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And this isn’t just Dr. Taís Trevelin (Lowry) talking. We see every day that people who feel better about their teeth are happier and more self-confident – and they’re healthier too. Couldn’t you use more of these positive attributes in your life? Yes, we all could. Let us help you. It all starts when you contact
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You may not realize that we can’t heal your teeth like a doctor heals a broken arm – because they don’t contain and aren’t surrounded by the right kind of cells to heal or regenerate. Simple as that. But we can restore them with safe, gentle, effective techniques refined over decades. Get started with healthier,
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