Hissing doesn’t count either. But dental picks can count as flossing if you’re in a bind, we suppose. Learn just how important flossing is when you come in to Invictus Modern Dentistry in beautiful San Diego for your free oral health consultation. It all starts with your call to 858-679-8918. No snark included.
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Dr. Taís Trevelin (Lowry) admits it. Most of her staff admits it. Her social media writer admits it. Flossing isn’t life’s most fun activity, but it keeps you from carrying around used food all day long, so it’s worth it. See how your teeth are doing by calling Invictus Modern Dentistry in San Diego at (619)
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Everything looks more impressive when it’s captured in a piece of art, right? We’ll do whatever it takes to make you think of dental picks as fun and useful – because they’re a first line of defense against tooth decay. We’ll go over all the details of your oral health during your free consultation with
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OK, you probably don’t need quite that much toothpaste when you brush, but you desperately need to remember to brush and floss at least twice a day – and preferably after every meal – for great lifetime dental health. To see how you’re doing with your oral health routine, let us discuss it with you
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We don’t insist that our dental clients be vegetarians, but we can tell you this: pairing starchy foods and vegetables each meal leads to satisfaction, better overall health and a healthy mouth full of real, vibrant teeth. As long as you get some protein, you don’t necessarily need meat. But you definitely need the help
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If you were a shark none of this dental hygiene stuff would be necessary – since you could shed your bad or used-up teeth and grow new ones. But that’s not the way humans work at all. See how your one permanent set of teeth is doing and get problems fixed during a free oral
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If you spend hours plucking, waxing and whatever else you to do look your best but don’t spend much time cleaning and taking care of your teeth, you’re neglecting the first things many people notice – and not presenting a complete package to the world. Let us help you determine how healthy and beautiful your
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Whenever you’re rushing out the door, there are some things you simply must have to look and feel as you should. While you may not need a mag with a cactus on the cover, a pack of dental picks can be a real lifesaver. See how your teeth are doing by calling Invictus Modern Dentistry
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Flossing may not be something you love to do, but it makes real sense if you love yourself and your teeth – and it’s also a great idea if you don’t want rotting food particles in your mouth when you kiss your significant other. If you have oral health issues or think you might, call
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Eating sweets isn’t necessarily always a bad thing. A modest portion of something sweet and satisfying can lead to pleasure that makes your life better – just remember to brush and floss after eating, no matter what you eat. It’s the wise thing to do. For a free oral health consultation to see if your
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